June 30,24

Start of Pro Bono Task Force

LSC convenes the Pro Bono Task Force to consider how to effectively increase pro bono involvement by all lawyers. A key recommendation from its final report is the creation of a fund to encourage new ideas for engaging pro bono assistance.  A few years later, President Obama signs the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014, which includes $2.5 million for LSC to establish the Pro Bono Innovation Fund. By 2023, the fund had awarded 139 pro bono grants totaling more than $40 million. Other LSC task forces follow, starting in 2018.

June 30,24

First Board of Directors

President Ford names and the Senate approves LSC’s first Board of Directors, with Cornell University Law School Dean Roger Conant Cramton as LSC’s first Board Chair, accompanied by Marshall Jordan Breger, Marlow W. Cook, Rodolfo Montejano, Samuel D. Thurman, Melville J. Broughton, Jr., Glee S. Smith, Jr., Glenn C. Stophel, Robert J. Kutak and Revius O. Ortique, Jr.