Browse and download Basic Field allocations and funding change explanations for multiple years.

View grant awards for recent years
Basic Field Grants are awarded to Native American, Agricultural Worker, and Basic Field General service areas according to a Congressionally-mandated formula. Visit the Basic Field Allocation Process page to read about the steps involved and to download relevant resources.
The table below provides five years of data for each service area, including allocation, poverty population, and share of the U.S. poverty population as used in the allocation formula. The table also displays the change in each of these from the prior year and an explanation for changes in grant amount.
Click the link below for PDF summaries of Basic Field awards by state and service area. This includes 2023 allocations based on Fiscal Year 2023 appropriations.
Scroll the table horizontally to see more columns. Filter the table using the dropdown menus below and/or the Search box. Sort the table by clicking on a column title. Download the (filtered) table by clicking on the "Excel" or "CSV" button. And see more data using the buttons below the table.
The explanation associated with each letter in the Funding Change Code column is available below the table. "--" indicates data that are not available or not applicable.
1 Funding Poverty Estimates: Poverty estimates are not used in allocations to Native American service areas and are not displayed here. See Poverty Population Sources by Fiscal Year for the U.S. Census Bureau data used in Agricultural Worker and Basic Field General grant calculations. Note that the poverty estimates shown here are after any adjustments made in step 6a of the process.
2Allocation Change Explanations: Read a brief explanation of how changes to appropriatons and poverty populations resulted in a specific service area's increase or decrease in funding. Click on the letter provided in the "Allocation Change Explanation" column on the table. The letters shown below are only those relevant to recent years of data (click here for all possible scenarios).
For questions about Basic Field Grant allocation results, or for results from years not listed above, please contact LSC's Office of Data Governance and Analysis at For more information about how these grant awards are calculated, see the Basic Field Allocation Process.