PBIF Program Description
The Pro Bono Innovation Fund (PBIF) provides grants to civil legal aid projects that support new, robust pro bono partnerships through collaboration, innovation, and replication of effective practices.
The Pro Bono Innovation Fund (PBIF) offers grants to collaboratively engage more lawyers and other professionals in pro bono service and address gaps in legal services and persistent challenges in the pro bono delivery system. Since 2014, PBIF has invested more than $46,000,000 in 161 projects in 37 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The PBIF program offers four categories of grants: Planning, Project, Sustainability and Transformation.
PBIF only accepts PBIF grant applications-Project, Sustainability, Transformation, and Planning- from legal aid organizations already receiving an LSC Basic Field Grant. PBIF Sustainability grants are only open to former PBIF Project grantees who were awarded a grant within two years before the current funding cycle.
If you are an LSC-funded organization interested in applying, we encourage you to consider developing project models that offer impactful and replicable solutions to persistent challenges in your current pro bono delivery system.
Grants awarded for FY24 officially started on October 1, 2024. You can view the press release and description of these grants here.
The PBIF team has opened the FY2025 Funding Cycle. You can view the Notice of Funding Opportunity for more information. Invitations to submit Full Applications were sent on March 7, 2025. Full Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. ET on May 5, 2025.
The video links below are an Orientation to each of the grant categories.
The PBIF team has prepared Full Application tools to assist applicants during drafting.
2025 PBIF Full Application Guide
PBIF Full Application Action Plan
The PBIF team will host Group Q&A sessions, allowing Applicants to engage with the PBIF team in an open forum. During these sessions, the PBIF team will answer questions about the Pre-Application process, address challenges, and discuss topics relevant to specific proposals and Pre-Applications. Applicants can submit their questions anonymously through this Google Form. The PBIF Team will also answer any pre-submitted anonymous questions during Group Q&A sessions. Interested attendees must register beforehand for Group Q&A Sessions by using this link.
- Tuesday, April 1, 3:00 p.m. ET.
- Tuesday, April 8, 3:00 p.m. ET.
- Wednesday, April 23, 12:00 p.m. ET
- Wednesday, April 30, 1:00 p.m. ET
The PBIF Team will host individual, 45-minute-long Technical Assistance appointments from March 17, 2025, through March 28, 2025, where Applicants meet with the PBIF Team to receive specific feedback on invited Pre- Applications. We strongly encourage your entire grant team to participate in the call. Applicants should email ProBonoInnovation@lsc.gov to schedule their appointments.
The PBIF Funding Cycle is a two-phase process. Applicants must first submit a Pre-Application and then, upon invitation, must submit a Full Application. Generally, Applicants submit a Pre-Application in mid-January, are notified of invitations to submit a Full Application by early- to mid-March, and, if invited, submit a Full Application by May. LSC's President makes the final decision on PBIF grant awards.
Please visit the PBIF "How to Apply" page for detailed information on the current funding cycle, selection criteria, and reporting requirements.