Statewide Website Evaluation Project

With generous funding from the Ford Foundation, LSC led a large-scale assessment of the quality and usability of state and territory legal information websites across the country.

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Most of these sites began as the result of funding through LSC’s Technology Initiative Grants (TIG) program, and they function as important components to the broader legal aid service delivery systems in many areas. 

Through the Statewide Website Assessment Project, LSC worked closely with its consulting partner, the digital design and research group EY Intuitive, to assess sites across the network in 2016. Evaluators looked at sites using a set of 63 usability criteria that spanned nine focus areas: ease of navigation, accessibility, visual design and iconography, plain language, content presentation, mobile friendliness, community engagement, language access, and user support.

Website Assessment Report

The following sections provide a summary of the findings and recommendations from the Statewide Website Assessment project.

Content Findings

Summarizes general findings and recommendations related to Plain Language, Language Access, and Content Presentation.

Access Findings

Summarizes general findings and recommendations related to Accessibility, User Support, Mobile Friendly, and Community Engagement.

Design Findings

Summarizes general findings and recommendations related to Ease of Navigation and Visual Design and Iconography.

More about the project

Learn more about the evaluation methodology, timeline, and team.

Read the report

View and download a PDF of the full project report.