PBIF Program Description
The Pro Bono Innovation Fund (PBIF) provides grants to civil legal aid projects that support new, robust pro bono partnerships through collaboration, innovation, and replication of effective practices.
Program Description
LSC’s Basic Field Grants provide funding for the delivery of high-quality civil legal services to low-income people throughout the U.S. and U.S. territories through full-service grants.
How to Apply for a Basic Field Grant
Each year, we accept Basic Field grant applications for specified service areas subject to competition. All components of the grant application must be submitted through GrantEase.
How to Apply for a Disaster Grant
LSC's Disaster Grants program provides funding to LSC-funded organizations providing services to survivors of government-declared emergencies and coordinating preparation efforts for future natural disasters.
LSC Service Areas
Basic Field Grants are awarded to a specified service area, which are geographic regions determined by LSC.
2025 Service Areas Subject to Competition
The list of service areas up for competition changes every year.
Loan Repayment Assistance Program
LSC provides a limited number of forgivable loans to attorneys employed by LSC grantee organizations to help repay law school debt.
How to Apply for a PBIF Grant
The Pro Bono Innovation Fund (PBIF) provides grants to LSC grantees for civil legal aid projects that support new, robust pro bono partnerships through collaboration, innovation, and replication of effective practices.