To locate Prior Approvals, users should begin by selecting the Home button. 

Graphical user interface, application

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Figure 1: Image of Selecting the Home Button on the Main Screen

Next, they should select Grantee Profile in the left-hand sidebar.

Graphical user interface, application

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Figure 2: Image of Navigating to the Grantee Profile Page

Once in the Grantee Profile, users should select the Oversight tab.

Graphical user interface, application, Teams

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Figure 3: Image of Selecting the Oversight Tab on the Grantee Profile Page

Oversight Tab

Once in the Oversight tab, users will find multiple sections that relate to the oversight processes. 

Users should scroll to the Waivers and Prior Approvals section and select the Initiate button in the top right corner of the section.

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Figure 4: Image of Navigating to the Waivers and Prior Approvals Section of the Oversight Tab

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Figure 5: Image of Selecting the Initiate Button in the Waivers and Prior Approvals Section

This action will open a pop-up window. Here, users will indicate whether they are submitting a Prior Approval or a Waiver request.

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Figure 6: Image of the Waivers and Prior Approvals Initiate Form Pop-up Window

Next, users should select which of the three types of Prior Approvals they are submitting from the dropdown menu:

1. Purchase or Lease of Personal Property and Contract for Services

2. Capital Improvement Request

3. Exigent Circumstances Document Submission

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Figure 7: Image of Selecting a Prior Approval Form from the Type Dropdown Menu

Users should select Save and Continue after completing the Prior Approval request pop-up.

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Figure 8: Image of Selecting the Save and Continue Button on the Completed Initiation Window

Once the pop-up window is completed and saved, users will be taken to a new screen where they will see that a Prior Approval Form has been created.