Attachments Tab

After completing the Overview Tab, users will navigate to the Attachments tab.

A screenshot of a computer

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Figure 7: Image of the Attachments Tab of the Basic Field Application

Users will then navigate to the All Forms section of the page.

A screenshot of a computer

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Figure 8: Image of the All Forms Table

All Forms Section

In the All Forms section, users will see the forms table, which includes the following columns: Form Name, Mandatory, Form Validated, Last Modified by, Last Modified Date, and Actions.

This table also displays various forms, including the Base Application Form, the Year One Supplemental Form, the Intake Form, the Technology Form, and the Native American Service Area Form and Agricultural Workers Service Area Form (relevant only if users have these respective service areas as part of their grant.)

To begin filling out their forms, users will select the blue pencil icon next to the intended form.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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Figure 9: Image of the All Forms Table

Form Logic

Some questions on the forms may not be relevant for every applicant, which is why many questions in the forms have logic.

Supplemental questions may appear as the conditions of a form change. For example, if users respond to a question with “Yes” or “No,” more responses may be required OR related questions may disappear. The responses to some questions may require users to complete an information table.

If users hover over the blue i (information) icons, they will see additional guidance for that question.