TIG 2017 Using Your Data to Improve Your Projects
In legal services, as more technology is used to deliver services, more data is created and collected. Over time, programs gain expertise on how to use other tools that help measure how users are interacting with the technology tools and systems. This data helps programs track their own progress on and results of technology investments. This workshop shared information on how tools like Google Analytics, Optimizely, and a pilot data warehousing tool through LawHelp Interactive can be used to improve online resources. Examples were provided from the website world, as well as for online form projects.
Presenters: Haydee Alfonso, General Counsel/Managing Attorney, Bay Area Legal Aid; Claudia Johnson, LawHelp Interactive Program Manager, Pro Bono Net; Mary Kaczorek, Supervising Attorney, Legal Services State Support; Jenny Singleton, Legal/Technology Project Manager, Legal Services State Support.