September 27,24

First Board of Directors

President Ford names and the Senate approves LSC’s first Board of Directors, with Cornell University Law School Dean Roger Conant Cramton as LSC’s first Board Chair, accompanied by Marshall Jordan Breger, Marlow W. Cook, Rodolfo Montejano, Samuel D. Thurman, Melville J. Broughton, Jr., Glee S. Smith, Jr., Glenn C. Stophel, Robert J. Kutak and Revius O. Ortique, Jr.

September 27,24

The Legal Services Corporation is created

On July 25, President Nixon signs the Legal Services Corporation Act creating LSC. The act gives strength to America’s promise of equal justice for all. LSC becomes the largest single funder of civil legal aid in the country, distributing the majority of its funding to independent nonprofit legal aid organizations. This “Basic Field” funding is allocated among three types of geographically defined service areas: General, Agricultural Worker and Native American.