Grantee Guidance
Grantees seeking interpretive or special guidance or instructions on specific topics or subject matter should also refer to the following materials. LSC also issues guidance on the above-referenced laws, regulations, guidelines, and instructions through webinars, remote meetings, and at national and local conferences.
Applicable Laws, Regulations and Guidance
LSC offers guidelines to its grantees and subgrantees on a range of subject matter.
Reporting Requirements
All grants and grant recipients must submit reports and other information to LSC.
Grant Terms and Conditions
There are terms and conditions for all LSC grants.
Grantee Activity Reports
The Grantee Activity Report (GAR) is the largest and longest-running data collection effort on civil legal aid in the United States.
LSC Performance Criteria
LSC's performance criteria incorporate LSC's grant oversight experience with the ABA Standards for the Provision of Civil Legal Aid.
LSC funds may be subgranted from recipients to third parties to assist in the recipient's provision of legal assistance to eligible clients.
Grantees seeking interpretive or special guidance or instructions on specific topics or subject matter should also refer to the following materials.
LSC Financial Guide
The LSC Financial Guide is designed to assist recipients and sub-recipients with fiscal responsibilities in the stewardship of grant funds provided by LSC.
Cybersecurity Training Initiative
In 2022, LSC implemented a cybersecurity training requirement for all Basic Field grantees. LSC wants to ensure grantees have access to the latest trainings and information to prepare for the dynamic and ever-present cyber threat landscape.
This Outcomes System Toolkit provides information and guidance materials to help grantees develop or improve their use of outcomes.
The LSC statutes and regulations prohibit or restrict many forms of lobbying and political activities by LSC grantees and grantee staff and board members.
Part 1614 of the LSC Regulations sets requirements for all LSC grantees with Basic Field funding to involve private attorneys and others in the delivery of legal information and legal assistance to eligible clients.
In January 2019, the Legal Services Corporation (LSC) changed two requirements related to client-eligible program board members.
The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) follows a procedure when making requests to review documents that contain information about clients and their cases that may reveal confidential material protected by the attorney-client privilege or the rules of professional responsibility.
Guidance established by LSC OIG includes the Audit Guide for Recipients and Auditors and Compliance Supplement for Audits of LSC Recipients. LSC OIG has elected to adopt Code of Federal Regulations, Title 2, Subtitle A, Chapter II, Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance) for audits of LSC grant recipients, subject to modification in accordance with LSC OIG guidance.
In 2017, LSC adopted 45 C.F.R. Part 1631, which superseded the Property and Acquisition Management Manual.
In 2017, LSC revised Part 1630 governing cost standards and procedures as well as creating a new Part 1631.
Grantees seeking guidance not found on this website are encouraged to contact us directly with questions.