Status of FOIA Requests and Responses 2019
FOIA Reference Number | Date Request Received | Description of Request | Estimated Date of Completion | Response to Request | Status of Request |
19-01 (OIG) | 10-06-18 | Requester wanted proof that LSC was not blocking their requests for legal aid | 10-26-18 | |
Closed |
2019-01 | 10-11-18 | Requesting data for Massachusetts and New York Legal Aid Systems from 199-2017 for research project | 11-09-18 | Closed | |
2019-02 | 11-15-18 | Requesting hard copies of LSC's 2016 and 2017 Annual Reports | 12-04-18 | Responsive Documents Mailed | Closed |
2019-03 | 12-05-18 | Requesting LSC grantee information | 12-21-18 | |
Closed |
2019-04 | 01-24-18 | Requesting the total amount that LSC paid the financial statement auditor to perform their audit for each of thee years 2008-2018, inclusive. The auditors are WithumSmith & Brown, Thompson, Cobb, Bezillo & Assoc., and Castro and Company | 02-13-18 | Closed - Referred Request to the Office of Inspector General for Direct Response to Requester | |
19-02 (OIG) | 02-13-19 | Requesting the total amount that LSC paid the financial statement auditor to perform their audit for each of thee years 2008-2018, inclusive. The auditors are WithumSmith & Brown, Thompson, Cobb, Bezillo & Assoc., and Castro and Company | 03-05-19 | letter | Closed |
2019-05 | 02-13-19 | Requesting a copy of the proposal and grants for legal services awarded to companies in the Detroit, MI area in 2018 and 2019 | 04-05-19 | |
Closed |
2019-06 | 02-13-19 | Requesting a copy of the most recent alphabetical LSC Staff List and the most recent LSC Staff List by Office under the Freedom of Information Act | 02-21-19 | Closed | |
19-03 (OIG) | 02-22-19 | Requesting Legal Services of Northern Virginia's 1997 Grant Activity Report and Timekeeping System and its Compliance with Selected Regulations, Office of Inspector General, LSC, Audit Report No. AU99-001, and any other reports related to Legal Services of Northern VA Inc. RNO - 447007 | 03-21-19 | |
Closed |
2019-07 | 02-25-19 | Requesting information explaining how LSC operates, and how LSC can assist with an individual's legal matters | 02-27-19 | Responsive Documents Mailed | Closed |
2019-08 | 03-04-19 | Requesting Legal Services of Northern Virginia's 1997 Grant Activity Report and Timekeeping System and its Compliance with Selected Regulations, Office of Inspector General, LSC, Audit Report No. AU99-001, and any other reports related to Legal Services of Northern VA Inc. RNO - 447007 | 04-24-19 | |
Closed |
2019-09 | 03-29-19 | Requesting all Legal Services Corporation’s Congressional Correspondence Logs or other records that track Congressional communications, including those maintained by component, regional or program offices, for correspondence received between January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2018. | 05-03-19 |
Closed |
2019-10 | 04-07-19 | Request for all correspondence of Cardell Richardson or other employees monitoring this email inbox to colleagues, subordinates, superiors, other agencies, Congress, and the Executive Office of the President pertaining to the read receipt below as well as prior correspondence on 7/10/2017, 6/25/2018, 6/28/2018, 3/15/2019, and 3/27/2019 | 04-10-19 | |
Referred to the Department of Defense-Office of Inspector General |
19-04 (OIG) | 04-07-19 | Request for all correspondence of Cardell Richardson or other employees monitoring this email inbox to colleagues, subordinates, superiors, other agencies, Congress, and the Executive Office of the President pertaining to the read receipt below as well as prior correspondence on 7/10/2017, 6/25/2018, 6/28/2018, 3/15/2019, and 3/27/2019 | 04-10-19 |
Referred to the Department of Defense-Office of Inspector General |
2019-11 | 04-10-19 | Requesting grant information for the State of Wyoming, Legal Aid of Wyoming INC.for the years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014; corporate dissolution's during years 2011-2019 and records, applications, and other allowed documents for years 2011-2019 | 05-14-19 |
Closed |
2019-12 | 05-21-19 | Requesting information regarding WikiLeaks from January 2006 to the present | 06-14-19 | | Closed |
2019-13 | 05-21-19 | Requesting documents generated as part of the creation of the FOIA Office | 06-14-19 |
Closed |
2019-14 | 05-30-19 | Requesting documents mentioning or relating to Anonymous (hacker movement) or hacktivism generated between January 1, 2009 and January 1, 2019 | 06-14-19 | | Closed |
19-05 (OIG) | 06-07-19 | Requesting all records concerning the requester and the complaint | 06-27-19 |
Closed |
19-06 (OIG) | 07-30-19 | Requesting a list of those members in both houses of Congress who settled sexual harassment allegations made against them...including the amount of taxpayer dollars used to settle each case for the period running 2009-2018 | 08-07-19 | Closed | |
2019-15 | 08-05-19 | Requesting any documentation that was produced as a result of requester's Complaint filed against Volunteer Lawyers Project in Boston, Massachusetts | 09-03-19 | Closed | |
2019-16 | 09-17-19 | Copy of applications, any documents, telephone recordings submitted from May-October 2019 to Memphis Area Legal Services | 09-24-19 | | Closed |