Moving Beyond Lawyer-Based Solutions with Community Justice Workers

Learn about how Alaska Legal Services Corporation built and implemented the Community Justice Worker Program, an initiative to train community members to address their neighbors' legal needs.

Learn about how Alaska Legal Services Corporation built and implemented the Community Justice Worker Program, an initiative to train community members to address their neighbors' legal needs.

photo of people raising their hands

Moving Beyond Lawyer-Based Solutions with Community Justice Workers

Grantees will learn how Alaska Legal Services Corporation (ALSC):

   1. Expanded delivery of legal assistance and advice

   2. Established strategic and collaborative partnership

   3. Recruited and trained community members

Hear from Nikole Nelson, former Executive Director of ALSC and founding Chief Executive Officer of Frontline Justice, about how the organization conducted outreach, recruitment, training, and case handling for its Community Justice Workers. 

"Community Justice Workers are an integral part of ALSC’s efforts to reach clients in the most remote areas of Alaska. Whereas most legal aid and pro bono attorneys operate in urban areas, CJWs often live and work in rural and tribal Alaska."

Nikole Nelson
Chief Executive Officer, Frontline Justice