FOIA Electronic Public Reading Room
- Open Comment Periods
- Recently Closed Comment Periods
Find Board of Directors and standing Board committee meeting materials, presentations, minutes and transcripts, along with resolutions passed.
Rulemaking Protocol
Open Rulemaking
Closed Rulemaking
Final Rules
1635 – Timekeeping (2021)
1610 and 1630 – Use of Non-LSC Funds and 1630 Cost Standards (2020)
1610 – Redline LSC Board Showing Changes from the Proposed Rule (2020)
1607 – Governing Bodies (2019)
View the Federal Register notices announcing the current and previous versions of the LSC regulations. The supplemental information found in these notices may be useful in understanding the regulations.
The Office of Program Performance conducts assessments of the quality of grantees' delivery of legal services, and the Office of Compliance and Enforcement conducts assessments of grantees' compliance with statutory, regulatory, fiscal, and other requirements.
- Who are the FOIA Contacts?
- How does a requester submit a FOIA Request?
- What should a requester include in their FOIA Request?
- How does a requester submit an appeal to a FOIA Request?
- What is the responsibility of the FOIA Public Liaison?
- How does a requester access the FOIA Appeals Opinions?
- How does a requester submit a FOIA Request to the Office of Inspector General?