
Dan Glazier
LSC Champion of Justice

Nominated by Kirsten Dunham, Alicia Johnson, and Steve Kellogg

"Dan Glazier has been a champion of justice for low-income individuals for over 40 years. He joined Legal Services of Eastern Missouri as a “Reggie” Fellow and rose through the ranks to executive director. Dan takes a “holistic advocacy” approach, informed by his graduate education in social work. Legal Services of Eastern Missouri hired social workers before many legal aids started doing so. He understood that legal advocacy is most effective when individuals are connected with social services. Dan’s commitment to social justice commitment is clear when looking at the numerous programs that LSEM has implemented under his leadership – for example, the Lasting Solutions program that addresses domestic violence, the Micro-enterprise Program to advance entrepreneurial opportunities, and the Education Justice Program working to disrupt the school to prison pipeline, just to name a few. 

Dan knows the importance of impact litigation to create change for low-income individuals and has encouraged and supported his team at LSEM to handle impact litigation cases, such as Medicaid expansion litigation and access to Hepatitis C cures under Medicaid, which have resulted in Missourians gaining access to health care and public benefits to which they are lawfully entitled. Dan is also a messenger spreading the access to justice mission in the community. He is a partner with other community organizations, is recognized in the legal community, serves on numerous board and committees and has taught at St. Louis University’s School of Social Work and School of Law, as well as Webster University. Dan has been a supporter and mentor of other legal aid executive directors and staff who benefit from his experience, knowledge and passion."