Talk Justice: Episode 103

Empowering Individuals with Legal Tune Up
Guests from a Wisconsin program creating web platforms that help users solve legal problems discuss their Legal Tune Up tools on Talk Justice. LIFT, or Legal Interventions for Transforming Wisconsin, was formed by lawyers and nonprofit leaders who wanted to create resources to address the access to justice crisis in their state. Leveraging the state’s public databases like Wisconsin Circuit Court Access, commonly referred to as CCAP, they have developed free, web-based tools that allow users to identify and solve some of their civil legal issues without assistance from a lawyer.
Featured Guests

Jessie Lutter-Long
Jessie Lutter-Long is an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Wisconsin and the Eastern District of Wisconsin Bankruptcy Court. She obtained her B.F.A. from the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design and graduated with her J.D. from Marquette University Law School in 2019. After graduating, Lutter-Long worked at Legal Action of Wisconsin where she assisted low-income Milwaukee County residents obtain valid driver’s licenses and remove barriers to family-sustaining employment.

Erica Nelson
Erica Nelson has been working to advance social, racial, environmental and economic justice for over 20 years. Her work includes advancing practice and policy reform in child welfare and youth justice as well as leading efforts to address the systemic and structural drivers that perpetuate and compound racial and economic inequities. She is deeply committed to increasing access to justice for under-resourced individuals, families and communities.

Lee Rawles
Lee Rawles joined the ABA Journal in 2010 as a web producer. She has also worked for the Winston-Salem (N.C.) Journal and She holds an M.S. in New Media from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism and a B.S. in journalism from the University of Illinois.
Lee is the host of ABA Journal: Modern Law Library, the 2016 Lisagor Award winner for Best Podcast.