In early 2012, John* reached out to his mortgage company to request a reduction of his monthly note due to a reduction in his income.
After sending multiple documents to support a loan modification application and talking with multiple representatives, John finally received an offer for a modification that included a balloon note of $96,446.77 due upon the loan’s maturity. This amount was still too much for John to realistically manage on his income so he reached out to North Mississippi Rural Legal Services (NMRLS) for help.
The NMRLS attorney vowed to fight for a better offer, and in January 2014 John received an impressive offer reducing his principal balance of $200,751.49 to $61,100.10 with no balloon note.
John was ecstatic. “Give your office a high five! We got it done,” he exclaimed. This was a big win for John and NMRLS, and is just one story among many great outcomes secured by the foreclosure prevention unit.
*Names have been changed