After Nature Strikes: Legal Aid’s Role in Disaster Recovery

Experts on disaster relief gathered on Tuesday, February 7, to brief Congress on how legal aid organizations can assist victims of natural disasters and play an essential role in disaster response. Representative David Young (IA-3) hosted the event and delivered opening remarks.

The briefing, "After Nature Strikes: Legal Aid’s Role in Disaster Recovery," highlighted the importance of legal aid programs in disaster preparedness and recovery. Panelists included:

  • Jono Anzalone, Vice President, International Services, American Red Cross
  • Michael “Mickey” Caison, Executive Director of Disaster Relief, North American Mission Board: Southern Baptist Convention
  • Dennis Groenenboom, Executive Director, Iowa Legal Aid
  • Laura Tuggle, Executive Director, Southeast Louisiana Legal Services

LSC President James J. Sandman moderated.



After Nature Strikes, Legal Aid's Role in Disaster Recovery - LSC House Briefing 2017
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